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Skilled Independent Visa Subclass 189

What is a Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)?

The Skilled – Independent visa allows highly skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer, State or Territory of Australia, or family member to live and work permanently in Australia. If you wish to apply for this visa, you must first obtain a positive skills assessment for your nominated occupation, and then lodge an Expression of Interest. If this is successful, you will be invited to lodge a visa application.

The minimum requirements of this visa are set out below:

Skilled – Independent Visa Requirements

At the time that you are invited to apply for this visa, you must:

  • be under 50 years of age

  • nominate an occupation that is included on the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL)

  • have your skills assessed by the appropriate Australian skills assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation

  • have competent English i.e.

  • hold a valid passport issued by the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland (and you are a citizen of that country) OR

  • an IELTS test score of at least 6 in EACH test component OR

  • an OET test score of at least B in EACH test component OR

  • a TOEFL iBT test score of at least 12 for listening, 13 for reading, 21 for writing and 18 for speaking OR

  • a PTE test score of at least 50 in EACH test component OR

  • a CAE test score of at least 169 in EACH test component

NOTE: In each case, the test must have been undertaken within the last three years (with the exception of the CAE test, which must be dated on or after 1 January 2015)

  • score at least 60 on the relevant points test (which takes into account your age, English competency, qualifications and work experience, amongst other factors)

Application Process

Anyone who wishes to apply for this visa MUST first be INVITED to lodge an application by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)

In order to qualify for an invitation, you must lodge an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI), which sets out how you meet the requirements for this visa.


Stage 1: Initial Eligibility Assessment

The first step that we will take is to conduct an initial assessment of your eligibility for this visa. This involves reviewing your qualifications, work experience, English language and other circumstances, to establish whether or not you are likely to meet the relevant requirements.


Stage 2: Skills Assessment

Should our initial assessment indicate that you are eligible for a positive skills assessment and EOI, we will prepare your skills assessment application.


Stage 3: Expression of Interest

Once you have received a positive skills assessment from the skills assessing authority, we will prepare and lodge your EOI. Although you do not need to provide supporting documents at this stage, you MUST be able to provide evidence that the information supplied in the EOI is correct at the time that you are invited to apply for the visa.


Stage 4: Visa Application

Should your visa application be approved, you will be granted a permanent visa. You may be either in Australia or overseas when your visa is granted.

For a confidential personalised information session please contact us

+61 438 273 613


4 Hillside Grove, Ballajura, WA 6066


MARA Agent No. 1678015 / QEAC No. K030

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Registered Migration Agent   

MARN:  1678015

Education Agent Counsellor

QEAC No: K030

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The user is advised to contact our Registered Migration Agent for the purpose suitable to them.

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