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Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Subclass 187

What is a Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Subclass 187?

The purpose of the RSMS is to promote the economic development of regional Australia by encouraging skilled migrants to settle in these areas. The scheme is designed to assist employers in regional Australia who are unable to meet their skilled workforce needs from the local labour market. There are TWO different streams under which an applicant may qualify for a RSMS visa:



This stream may be available if your employer wishes to sponsor you for permanent residence.

You may be eligible under this stream if you are the holder of a Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) or a Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) (not granted under labour agreement arrangements) or a related associated Bridging visa and you have worked for your employer for at least:


  • three out of the previous four years (before the nomination is made) in the same position that they have nominated you for or

  • two out of the previous three years before the nomination is made, if transitional arrangements apply because you either held, or were an applicant for, a subclass 457 visa (which was subsequently granted) on 18 April 2017.





If you do not meet the requirements under the TRT stream (for example, because you have never, or only briefly worked in Australia), this stream may then be available if your employer still wishes to sponsor you for permanent residence.


Application Process

Stage 1: Nomination Application

This application is lodged with the DIBP on behalf of your employer, and relates to the skilled position that you have been offered, which must meet the requirements referred to above for the relevant application stream. Your employer is required to supply documents to the DIBP in support of this application, the nature and extent of which will vary depending upon the application stream and the circumstances of the business.


Stage 2: Visa Application

Your visa application is lodged with the DIBP either at the same time as the nomination application, or within six months of the DIBP’s approval of the nomination.  The main criterion is that you fulfil the above requirements for the relevant application stream, along with the standard health and character checks.


Once the DIBP has approved both applications, you will be granted a permanent visa. You may be in Australia or outside Australia when your visa is granted. You must then work in the nominated position with your employer for a term of at least 2 years from the visa grant date.


For more information please check DIBP website link.

For a confidential personalised information session please contact us

+61 438 273 613


4 Hillside Grove, Ballajura, WA 6066


MARA Agent No. 1678015 / QEAC No. K030

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MARN:  1678015

Education Agent Counsellor

QEAC No: K030

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