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For applicants who have obtained the requisite funding from an Australian venture capital firm.


At the time that you lodge your visa application you must:

  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government

  • have obtained at least AU$1 million in funding from an Australian Venture capital firm for the start-up, product commercialisation or business development of a promising high value business idea

Application Process

Anyone who wishes to apply for this visa MUST first be INVITED to lodge an application by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection DIBP.


In order to qualify for an invitation, you must lodge an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI). The EOI sets out how you meet the requirements for this visa. Although you do not need to provide supporting documents at this stage, you MUST be able to provide evidence that the information supplied in your EOI is correct at the time that you are invited to apply for the visa.

Once your EOI has been lodged, you will receive a result and points score from DIBP, which is then used to rank you against other potential applicants. If your EOI is successful you will be invited to lodge a visa application.


How can we help?

We are able to conduct an initial assessment of your eligibility for this visa. This involves checking your business history and circumstances (or entrepreneurial capacity) against the requirements of current DIBP legislation and policy. We will then provide you with informed and comprehensive advice about your ability to meet the minimum standards that DIBP requires in order to consider issuing you with an invitation to apply for this visa.

For a confidential personalised information session please contact us

Business Talent Visa Subclass 132

What is a Business Talent Visa Subclass 132?

The purpose of the Business Talent visa is to allow high-calibre business people and venture capitalists to migrate permanently to Australia. There are two streams under which an applicant can qualify for this visa.


For applicants who have had a very successful business career, and wish to own and manage a new or existing business in Australia.


At the time that you lodge your visa application, you must:

  • be nominated by an Australian State or Territory government

  • be under 55 years of age (unless the State or Territory government that is sponsoring your application considers that your business will be of exceptional economic benefit to the region)

  • you must genuinely want to own, and maintain a major management role in, a business in Australia

Business Experience

At the time that you lodge your visa application:

  • you must have an overall successful business career, with no involvement in unacceptable business activities

  • in at least two out of the last four financial years, your main business (or two main businesses combined) must have had an annual turnover of at least A$3 million

Net Assets

You (and/or your spouse or de facto partner, if applicable) must:

  • in at least two out of the last four financial years have had net assets of A$400,000 in a business (or businesses) in which you had an ownership interest (i.e. shareholder, partner, sole proprietor)

  • have total net business and personal assets of at least A$1.5 million that can be legally transferred to Australia within two years of the date that your visa is granted

+61 438 273 613


4 Hillside Grove, Ballajura, WA 6066


MARA Agent No. 1678015 / QEAC No. K030

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Registered Migration Agent   

MARN:  1678015

Education Agent Counsellor

QEAC No: K030

The information and other material on the EmblemConsult website is provided for your assistance. It should not be relied on as migration advice or as a substitute for migration advice.

The user is advised to contact our Registered Migration Agent for the purpose suitable to them.

The areas in which we practice are subject to constant change. Whilst we will make every effort to update the information and other material on our website, there may be delays, errors or omissions that render this material out-dated.

Our website often contains links to information and material on other sites. EmblemConsult makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or validity of the information or material on those sites. We do not have any arrangement and do not endorse or recommend any of the information, goods or services referred to on any of the linked websites.

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