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Family stream migrants are selected on the basis of their family relationship with their sponsor in Australia. There is no test for skills or language ability as required for skilled stream migrants.

Family stream migration has four main categories:

  • partner,

  • child,

  • parent and

  • other family visa categories


There are two visa types in the partner category:

  • a partner visa is for a spouse or de facto partner, including a same-sex partner of an Australian sponsor

  • a prospective marriage visa is for a fiancé who is overseas and plans to marry their Australian sponsor after travelling to Australia.



There are three visa types in the child category:

  • a child visa is for a dependent child of an Australian sponsor

  • an adoption visa is for a child adopted outside Australia by an Australian sponsor

  • an orphan relative visa is for a child who is under 18 years of age at the time of application and who cannot be cared for by either parent. The child will be cared for by the Australian sponsor.



There are two visa types in the parent category:

  • a contributory parent visa is for parents of an Australian sponsor where the applicant pays a higher visa application charge in return for a faster processing time of approximately 2-4 years.

  • a parent visa is for parents of an Australian sponsor. This visa type includes the Parent (subclass 103) and the Aged Parent (subclass 804). The processing time for these visas is approximately 30 years.

The available visas for you are:

+61 438 273 613


4 Hillside Grove, Ballajura, WA 6066


MARA Agent No. 1678015 / QEAC No. K030

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MARN:  1678015

Education Agent Counsellor

QEAC No: K030

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The user is advised to contact our Registered Migration Agent for the purpose suitable to them.

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